
Integrated View

Integrate 2 features into a single view


Security policy admins need a way to see how well their policies are doing. The data and information involved were hard for them to find and make sense of within the product.



Cisco’s security customers needed a way to know how well their network policies are doing. We had an application that managed the lifecycle of policies, and another application that consumed the traffic data that hit the rules of the policies. Users use traffic data to evaluate the policies, but there was no way of doing that in the product.

From design and development’s side, this feature required a significant redesign of the current Policy Details page, and a new information architecture to accommodate that. As the new design owner of the two application teams, I also wanted to leverage the opportunity to pave the way for Policies Details 2.0, where the page will finally unite all the various information about policies that were scattered throughout the product.

My role

I was the only UX Designer on this project, responsible for the end to end process.
